"Dreams can't come true without first dreaming...there is no harvest without first sowing seed"

Whispers from the Past

Chapter 4

The afternoon sun cast warm rays on the kitchen table, and Sarah and Everett hovered over the dried journal. The air crackled with anticipation as they finally declared it safe to examine. After a lite lunch, two shots of tequila now replaced the Chamomile tea. Sarah and Everett were ready. They toasted, smiled at each other and carefully opened page one of the journal.

Ready for some Planning
Dried and Ready to Explore

The first few entries documented Tom’s initial preparations for his journey, his excitement about exploring the Sentinel Cypress River, and his eagerness to learn more about his family’s history with the Timucua tribe. As they delved deeper, however, the mood shifted.

A feeling of concern came over Sarah as she read about Tom’s encounter with poachers, their ruthless disregard for the land and its inhabitants echoing in her mind. Her gaze drifted to the map, where Everett’s hands, weathered like the bark of ancient trees, meticulously traced the lines and symbols. He pointed to a specific entry in the journal…

‘Look, Sarah,’ he said, his voice tinged with urgency. ‘This entry mentions a hollow cypress tree near Renegade Bayou. Tom describes finding ancient Timucua artifacts – pottery, tools, ceremonial objects.’

A gasp escaped Sarah’s lips. The warmth spreading through her pendant intensified, a tingling sensation that sent a jolt through her. Could there be a connection between the artifacts, the Timucua tribe, and the reason Sarah’s family had entrusted her with the pendant?

Everett continued reading, immersed in concentration. ‘Tom mentions frustration,’ he said, ‘about the poachers constantly disrupting his research and threatening the artifacts. He talks about leaving something behind,  hidden for anyone who might follow his path.’

The weight of this revelation settled upon them. Tom was clearly passionate about protecting his Timucua legacy. His disappearance at Renegade Bayou felt even more ominous in light of these entries.

Sarah glanced at Everett, her eyes filled with a mixture of determination and apprehension. ‘We can’t leave this unfinished, can we?’ she whispered. ‘We need to follow Tom’s route, find those artifacts, and make sure his efforts weren’t in vain.’

Sarah and Everett Confirmation
Sarah and Everett Confirmation

A flicker of resolve ignited in Everett’s eyes. He placed a weathered hand over hers, his touch grounding her. ‘We do this together,’ he said firmly. ‘But we can’t do this alone. We need to contact the Posse, Remy, Maggie, and Riley. They’re not just friends, they’re family. We’ll need their help, their expertise, and their support.’

The sun dipped below the horizon, casting long shadows across the room. Sarah and Everett knew their lives were about to change. This wasn’t just about following a map anymore; it was about honoring a legacy, protecting the past, and unraveling the secrets that whispered from the pages of Tom’s journal.

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~ Chapter 3 : Secrets of the Map ~ Chapter 5 : Embers of a New Quest ~