"Dreams can't come true without first dreaming...there is no harvest without first sowing seed"

Cove Critters



Here at Tranquilla Cove Homestead, we have a variety of Cove Critters, both domesticated and wild. On the domestic side, we have had our share of dogs, cats, and chickens. Currently, we share The Cove with 4 cats, Nell, Gillis, Luna, and Tiger. Keeping them in line, or rather vice versa is our awesome dog, Chesney. We care for several varieties of chickens, including, Rhode Island Reds, Barred Rock, Welsummer, and Araucanas.

On the Wild Side, we have a variety of Cove Critters. Let’s start with the Florida Black Bear, White-Tailed Deer, Turkeys, Red Shouldered Hawks, Owls, Alligators, Sand Hill Cranes, Coyotes, Gopher Tortoises, Possums, Raccoons, Snakes, Squirrels, and an assortment of Birds, Fish, and Turtles in the pond!


Meet the Domestics…

Introducing Nell...


Nell was born on September 1st, 2015. We acquired her from friends down in Ocala and she has become the ‘Diva’ of the household. All things, concerning other pets, authority, and approval passes through Nell. She is a small Calico cat with a big personality, however, she is shy, and will keep out of sight when company comes over. She is great at catching chameleons and showing them off and loves to lick our ice cream bowls when we have finished. She will actually ‘sit’ on command to enjoy this privilege. Nell also loves helping Donna work out in the mornings. Nell, named after Donna’s Aunt Nell, spends all her time in the house.



Introducing Gillis…

Gillis as a Kitten
Gillis as a Kitten

Gillis, our oldest, wandered up onto the dock one afternoon. A stray cat with nowhere to go. This was in August of 2012. We are guessing he was a couple of months old, so consider his birthday July 20212, making him 10 years old as of this writing ( 2022 ). After several attempts to find him an owner, we welcomed Gillis into the household. He is the perfect ‘dog lovers’ cat. He is affectionate, listens well, communicates well, and is a joy to have around. He absolutely loves affection and loves our hound dog Chesney. I call them ‘Da Boyz’. Gillis, named after our pond in the back, spends his days in and out of the house and nights inside. Nell And Gillis are old buddies and get along together.



Introducing Luna…

Luna in a Basket
Luna in a Basket

Luna is one of our newer additions. Donna left for work one morning before dawn, and half an hour later showed back home with a stray kitten…”Can we keep it for an outside ‘mouser’ cat in the garden?” she said hoping to bribe me ’cause ever since our last outside cat became an inside cat we have had an explosion of moles and squirrels…so the bribe worked. We named her ‘Luna’ because she was found just about at Moonset in the early morning. This was April 2017, so she is currently 5 years old. Luna is a pleasurable cat, talkative, and enjoys her life here at the Cove. Best friends with Gillis, they share the outdoors together during the day and are both inside at night. Luna will let you know when she wants to be noticed…it’s on her terms. She is fluffy and gentle! Nell, however, does NOT like Luna and will attack her if she gets the chance!



Introducing Tiger…

Tiger on Tree Stand
Tiger on Tree Stand

Mom loved our new kitten Nell, whom we had gotten in September of 2015, and wanted one of her own. We drove to Gainesville Pet Rescue and at 95 years old, Mom adopted her new companion and named him ‘Tiger’. Tiger is affectionate and gentle, definitely a lap cat. He lives separately with Mom in her adjacent suite, so Tiger doesn’t mingle with the other cats, however, when he slips out the door into the main house, he aggressively attacks Nell! He is an inside cat and lives alone with Mom.



Introducing Chesney…

Chesney - Birthday Boy
Chesney Hound

After losing the last of 3 dogs over the past 11 years at the homestead, it was time to adopt a new member of the household. In July 2019 we adopted a mixed-breed puppy we named ‘Chesney’. We had his DNA done and find out he has 3 generations of Bassett Hound, and he is a mix of Labrador, German Shepard, Boxer, and Bull Terrier. We were both retired and had the luxury to be with Chesney every day for bonding and training and he has developed into one fine dog and companion! He is affectionate, loves being around us, loves going for hikes, and enjoys being point on our pontoon boat Pon Tiki!

You’ll know Chesney by his hound dog howl, which is awesome! Chesney is in and out during the day and stays inside at night. He gets along very well with all the other critters! He is a very special ‘Cove Critter’.



A look in the Hen House…

The Chicken Coop
The Chicken Coop

Over the past 12 years, we have had numerous chickens and roosters. Many faced the wrath of predators and others served well. Currently, we are in the process of harvesting the few remaining hens, no longer laying, and will start with a fresh batch of chicks in the coming spring. 



Preparing for new Chickens | How to Harvest a HenMystery Predator 


Meet the Wildlife…

The Neighborhood Bear
The Neighborhood Bear

On the Wild Side, we have a variety of Cove Critters. Let’s start with the Florida Black Bear, White-Tailed Deer, Turkeys, Red Shouldered Hawks, Owls, Osprey, Alligators, Sand Hill Cranes, Coyotes, Gopher Tortoises, Possums, Raccoons, Snakes, Squirrels, and an assortment of birds, fish and Turtles in the pond!


