"Dreams can't come true without first dreaming...there is no harvest without first sowing seed"

October Observations

One of my favorite months of the year… let’s take a look at the October Observations at the Cove…



October Flora…

October almost feels like Spring this year. Due to the warmer temperatures and abundant rainfall over the summer, flowers of all varieties are blooming in full glory. Most trees are still lush with foliage. Hedychiums continue to bloom, Turmeric blossoms are fading but several Gingers are now blooming. Roselle is starting to bloom in the garden. Firespike, numerous Sages, Golden Rod, Moonflowers, Confederate Rose, all Roses, and Bidens Alba are going strong. Honeysuckle is slowly fading. Water Lilies and Pickerel Weed are in full bloom on the pond and the berries on the hollies are all turning red.


October Fauna…

October mornings begin early. At dawn, the resident Sand Hill Cranes call each day throughout the pond. Hawks are very active, especially in the morning. Owls are predominant in the early morning and later evening. Squirrels and moles have been active again. Mosquitos are fierce this month! Deer flies are officially no longer a problem. Turkeys are seen often crossing the road with their young. As September came to a close the Love Bugs were more numerous this year but have subsided by the beginning of October.


October Celestial Observations…

Tuesday, October 2 at 5:45 a.m. EDT — Last Quarter Moon

Monday, October 8 — Draconids Meteor Shower Peaks

Tuesday, October 8 at 11:47 p.m. EDT — New Moon

Thursday, October 11 evening — Young Moon meets Jupiter

Sunday, October 14 evening — Moon Passes Saturn

Tuesday, October 16 at 2:02 p.m. EDT — First Quarter Moon

Wednesday, October 17 evening —Moon Hops over Mars

Sunday, October 21 pre-dawn — Orionids Meteor Shower Peak

Wednesday, October 24 at 12:45 p.m. EDT — Full Hunter’s Moon

Sunday, October 28 after sunset — Mercury and Jupiter Meet

Wednesday, October 31 at 12:40 p.m. EDT — Last Quarter Moon Again

Mars, well positioned for viewing all month, will spend October moving eastward through the stars of central Capricornus.