"Dreams can't come true without first dreaming...there is no harvest without first sowing seed"

Preparations for the Unknown

Chapter Six

heading-preparations unknown

Outside the history department of the local university, Sarah and her friends waited in anticipation and excitement. Riley’s invitation, as the Timucua exhibit curator, granted them access to the extensive archives on the region and its people. “Welcome to the Timucua Exhibition!” Riley exclaimed.

Riley, affectionately known as “Cap” by her friends, guided them through a detailed display of artifacts and archives. Her expertise in river navigation and local history made her an invaluable asset to their mission. “These archives hold more than historical files and forgotten records,” she explained in hushed tones. “They may contain the answers to Sarah’s whispers, waiting to be heard by those who seek them.”

The Archives Room
The Archives Room

In the well lit archive room, bookshelves overflowed with leather-bound volumes and maps. Cap directed them to a section dedicated to the Timucua people, her fingers tracing the worn spines of ancient texts. The air itself seemed charged with history, echoes of long-forgotten voices whispering through the ages. Sarah felt a familiar pull, a sense of belonging that transcended time and space, her pendant warming against her skin. Surrounded by the silent whispers of history, they sought answers in the archives, exploring clues about the Timucua artifacts, herbal healing, and the connection to the Silent Sentinels.

Maggie scanned a thick tome titled “Everyday Life of the Timucua.”

“Listen to this,” she announced, excitement tingeing her hushed voice. “It talks about ‘sacred objects’ made from shells, bones, and even feathers. They believed these artifacts held powerful spirits and used them for healing, ceremonies, and communicating with their ancestors.”

Sarah was excited. Could these “sacred objects” be the same artifacts mentioned in Tom’s journal? Did their connection to healing tie into the warmth she felt from the pendant?

Cap chimed in, her eyes gleaming with the thrill of discovery. “Another book mentions a shamanistic practice of using plants for medicinal purposes. They had extensive knowledge of herbs and their properties, treating everything from wounds to illnesses.”

Remy leaned forward, his face serious. “So, you’re saying these cypress trees might hold some secret knowledge, passed down through generations?” The pieces started to click into place for Sarah. The pendant’s warmth, the inscription mentioning the river remembering, the whispers she felt for so many years – they all seemed to point towards a hidden legacy, a connection to her ancestors’ knowledge of healing and sacred objects.

Herbal Healing Ritual
Herbal Healing Ritual

Fueled by their newfound understanding, they delved deeper into the archives. They unearthed descriptions of intricate carvings depicting figures holding strange objects and symbols. They learned about ancient rituals performed under the cypresses, believed to harness the healing power of nature.

As the late afternoon sun painted the archive windows in shades of orange and gold, Sarah closed the worn leather cover of the final book. Many possibilities hung in the air, woven from fragments of ancient knowledge. Each discovery had fueled their excitement, propelling them closer to the secrets hidden within the Sentinel Cypress.

Everett, meticulous as always, filled several notebooks with observations and transcriptions. His methodical nature complemented Sarah’s impulsive drive, ensuring their quest wouldn’t be guided by mere passion alone. Exiting the building, Sarah met his gaze, a silent understanding passing between them. They had their pieces; now, it was time to assemble the final puzzle.

“Alright everyone,” Sarah announced, her voice carrying across the bustling university courtyard. “It’s been an intense day, full of fascinating discoveries. But this isn’t the end; it’s just the beginning.”

“Hear, hear!” Remy boomed, clapping his hands with gusto.

“I couldn’t agree more,” Cap added, a determined glint in her eyes. “But for now, let’s give Everett some time to work his magic.”

Sarah smiled. “Exactly. Everett will meticulously blend the knowledge we gleaned here with entries from Tom’s journal and the map. In a couple of days, we’ll reconvene back at the Cove. Then, with a clear plan and the right supplies, we’ll embark on the real adventure.”

A chorus of agreement rippled through the group. Anticipation danced in their eyes, tinged with a healthy dose of nervous excitement. They were a crew bound by friendship and a shared thirst for the unknown, ready to follow Sarah’s whispers of her past into the heart of Renegade Bayou. As they bid farewell and parted ways, Sarah knew this was just the first chapter in their extraordinary journey. The secrets of the Sentinel Cypress awaited, and they were determined to unearth them.

The following days buzzed with anticipation. Sarah and Everett retreated to The Cove. Maps and notes sprawled across the wooden kitchen table, competing for space with Sarah’s well-worn copy of Tom’s journal. Sunlight streamed through the windows, casting a warm glow on their focused faces as they meticulously pieced together the final plan. Instead of the usual mugs of coffee, a pitcher of Sarah’s famous margaritas sat on the table, condensation clinging to the glasses. Each discovery, each shared truth they unearthed, was celebrated with a clink of ice and a sip of their tangy cocktail.


The meticulous planning phase was complete, replaced by the tangible buzz of preparation. Gone were the lists and reminders; now, action reigned supreme.

Sarah, ever the organizer, ensured their supplies were in tip-top shape. First-aid kits were restocked, lightweight tents were aired out, and her canoe, dubbed “Whispering Wind,” was prepped for action. Sarah ran a loving hand over the sleek lines of her vessel, a silent promise for the adventure ahead.

Everett's Preparations
Everett’s Preparations

Everett transitioned seamlessly into logistics mode. He double-checked weather forecasts, consulted river condition reports, and meticulously reviewed campsite locations and portage points. His evenings were still spent hunched over maps and critical supplies, making sure to pack his flask of 1800 Reposado strategically placed “for emergencies” only, of course.

Cap transformed into a whirlwind of efficiency. Sturdy backpacks were unearthed, water purification tablets tested, and machetes gleamed with freshly sharpened edges. Her infectious enthusiasm filled the air as she organized their supplies, ensuring she had everything from a fishing rod to fire starters, all with a confident glint in her eye that promised she wouldn’t let unexpected challenges dampen their spirits.

She packed a twelve-pack of Bud Light, unfettered about keeping them cool; ice would just be extra weight anyway.

Maggie, a seasoned paddler, calmly prepped her “River Dancer” with practiced ease. Worn straps were replaced, navigation equipment checked, and dry bags filled with essentials like survival blankets and energy bars. Her quiet demeanor belied a steely glint in her eyes, a testament to years navigating both water and life’s challenges. Maggie, a lover of the finer things, brought two bottles of red wine and tucked a well-worn copy of “Where is Joe Merchant?” by Jimmy Buffett into her dry bag, a small indulgence for the evenings by the campfire.

Remy, the free spirit, approached his preparations with characteristic laid-back charm. He stocked up on his favorite trail mix, packed several spliffs of his favorite Kush, and his vape pipe, ready for storytelling around the campfire.

Trucks with Canoes
Trucks with Canoes

Trucks laden with canoes and overflowing with supplies pulled up to The Cove. The plan was to all get a good night’s sleep, wake up to a good breakfast, and head over to the launch at Buttonbush Creek to start their adventure.

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~ Chapter 5 : Embers of a New Quest ~ Chapter 7: Buttonbush Creek ~