"Dreams can't come true without first dreaming...there is no harvest without first sowing seed"

Wreckage and Revelation

Chapter 1

Sunset View RV Park
Sunset View RV Park

Rays of sunlight sifted through the frayed edges of a worn blue tarp, casting intricate patterns upon the chaos-strewn landscape. Three days had passed since Hurricane Maya unleashed her fury from the Gulf of Mexico onto Cedar Key, disrupting the quiet lifestyle of this coastal town. Only residents and immediate family were now allowed back on the key. Sarah presented her ID as a family member at the checkpoint, and proceeded ahead to the storm-ravaged campground. Sunset View, nestled just off the main island, was a scene of complete devastation. Sarah gasped. She made her way to the heart of the park where Aunt Fran’s cabin was located.

Exiting her truck, Sarah stepped gingerly amidst the remnants of shattered wood, fallen palm fronds, and twisted aluminum. She carefully avoided the fragments of family history peeking from beneath the debris as she quietly approached Fran. The spark that usually danced in Aunt Fran’s eyes had dimmed under the weight of weariness, though her spirit shone as strong as ever.

“Sarah, thank goodness you’re here.” Fran gestured pointing to the remains of her RV park.. “The storm…” Her voice trailed off, the language of devastation echoing around them. After moving up from Dade City, Fran spent much of her adult life renovating an old worn out RV park into a thriving vacation spot for so many folks. Over the years, many visitors became good friends. Now, after evacuating before the storm, some may never return. Years earlier, Sarah had lived at the park and helped Fran rebuild Sunset View. Through this shared experience, they became quite close.

“I got here as quick as I could, Fran,” Sarah said with concern. “Are you all right?”

Aftermath of Hurricane Maya
Aftermath of Hurricane Maya

Fran managed a weary smile, her eyes momentarily lingering on the ruins. “I’ll manage, dear, but it’ll be a long road ahead,” she sighed. “There’s so much to be done—clearing the debris, disposing of the demolished trailers… and the landscaping! It’ll need to be completely reborn.” Her eyes brightened slightly. “On the bright side, Carter’s Market has reopened, so at least we’ll have access to water and other essential supplies. And some of the restaurants on Dock Street are serving as emergency kitchens to help feed the community.”

Surveying the wreckage, Sarah’s heart resonated with the toll the storm had taken, both physically and emotionally. Electricity was quickly restored, and the water receded from most streets, making them passable for vehicles. Fran’s cabin remained largely intact, except for a small section of the roof that had been torn away. Thousands of palm fronds were strewn along the ground. Her wooden storage shed, however, was totaled, revealing scattered tools and several boxes of memories.

“Well, I have several hours here, Fran, so let me help you finish sorting through more of your belongings.”

“Thank you, dear,” said Fran. Sarah gently retrieved a faded, waterlogged photo album, a gateway to childhood memories filled with laughter and adventures shared with her Aunt.

“Find anything, darlin’?” Fran’s voice, worn from exhaustion, broke the silence.

Sarah finds the Journal and Map
Sarah finds the Journal and Map

“Just a collection of mementos,” Sarah replied, flipping through the water-soaked photo album. Kneeling down at the twisted shed, Sarah also noticed a small battered wooden chest. Its lock, broken and semi-rusted, revealed an old, waterlogged leather-bound journal and a folded map. As Sarah carefully retrieved the items, a familiar warmth pulsed against her chest. She unclasped the damp journal, its musty scent filling the air, and gingerly tried to separate the soaked pages. The ink, bleeding into an illegible mess, triggered a wave of disappointment. Yet, hope lingered – perhaps there was a way to recover the water-soaked journal entries.

Sarah unfolded the map, tracing its crinkled surface stained by time. Faded lines and curious symbols ignited a thrill within her. An emblem in the bottom left corner mirrored the intricate design of her pendant. As she studied the map, Sarah became acutely aware of a warmth emanating from the pendant against her chest. Her heart quickened, a blend of excitement and apprehension coursing through her.

Holding the map closer, Sarah felt certain there was a connection between it and her pendant. Her eyes were drawn to an inscription along the top of the map, barely legible: “Follow the Cypress sentinels, where the river remembers, and truth awaits.” As she read the words, a sudden chill ran down her spine, momentarily freezing her in place as the significance of the discovery washed over her.

“Fran…” Sarah whispered, her voice barely audible.

“What is it, dear?” Fran asked, concern lacing her voice as she peered over Sarah’s shoulder at the map.

“I… I’m not sure, Fran. Look at what I found! A very old journal and an old map. There are notations written on the map, but I can’t quite make all of them out yet. It has a symbol like my pendant in the bottom left corner, and an inscription up top says ‘Follow the Cypress sentinels, where the river remembers, and truth awaits.’ I think this might be a clue, somehow!”

“A clue to what, dear?” Fran asked, concern lacing her voice.

“I don’t know yet, Fran. But this journal and map with the inscription feel important. I’m sensing they’re somehow connected to my pendant.”

Fran’s eyes widened as she absorbed Sarah’s words. “Cypress sentinels… that sounds familiar. Didn’t your grandfather have a story about a row of cypress trees by the old river bend?”

“Yes, Dad used to tell me a story about that. Fran, where did you get this journal?”

“It was brought to me by a man I have never met before who lives up the coast north of here.” Fran paused, trying to recall the details. “It was so many years ago, and he told me your grandfather Tom asked him to bring it to me if anything were to happen to him. He didn’t stay long, and I was busy with the RV Park, put the journal in that box, stuck it in the shed, and never got back to it.”

Sarah listened intently. “Do you mind if I bring this home and see if Ev and I can restore it?”

“Not at all, dear.”

The hours passed quickly as Sarah and Fran accomplished a lot. Sarah carefully folded the map, tucking it and the journal safely into her backpack. “I think we’ve done all we can do here for now, Aunt Fran,” she said. “It’s getting late, and Everett and I will need to figure out the best way to preserve this map and journal.”

As they walked back to the cabin, a newfound sense of purpose started to replace Sarah’s initial shock and grief. The storm had undoubtedly taken much, leaving a trail of destruction in its wake. But in its fury, it had unearthed something else – a thrilling mystery and a potential family legacy waiting to be unraveled.

Inside the cabin, Sarah helped Fran get settled for the night, offering her a steaming cup of herbal tea retrieved from the undamaged cypress kitchen cabinet. Despite their aching muscles and the heavy weight of cleaning up the debris, a spark of anticipation danced in Sarah’s eyes. Tonight, she would return to Everett, eager to decipher the secrets hidden within the journal and map.

“Is there anything else I can help you with tonight, Aunt Fran?” Sarah asked, her voice soft.

“Well dear…I would greatly appreciate a shot of brandy in this tea…you know, for medicinal purposes. ” Fran winked at Sarah as she retrieved the Courvoisier from the cabinet. “You head on back home now. Get a good night’s rest, and go over those items with Everett tomorrow. I’m sure he’ll have some ideas about how to dry those things out so you can read them. Keep in touch and let me know what you find out!”

Sarah nodded, her heart warmed by the familiar comfort of her aunt’s voice. Leaning down, she kissed Fran’s forehead, the faint scent of lavender soap filling her senses. “Okay, Fran. I’ll see you soon. Call if you need anything… anything!”

With a final squeeze of her hand, Sarah turned and walked away, the weight of the journal heavy in her backpack. The thrill of discovery still coursed through her veins, a stark contrast to the devastation surrounding her. The sun was setting over Cedar Key as Sarah headed back. The long drive home was filled with the image of the inscription on the map lingering in her mind: “Follow the Cypress sentinels, where the river remembers, and truth awaits.”

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~ Introduction ~ Chapter 2 : Unearthing Secrets ~